So kiddies, have you been baptizing your beloved pets in the name of the Lawd? 'Cause if you haven't been, they're rotting in hell right now being pushed facefirst through flaming sink incinerators while being raped with serrated knives. Or, I think that's how the story goes. It's hard to understand this tract because it's really an awfully bad metaphor. But something about Jesus, love, God, blah blah, Salvation, blah. Now featuring a lagoon monster named Cleo.

That kid looks like someone just sucked out his soul. ... Hey, wait a minute, I think I understand what's going on here. There's a reason we can't see his hand or his lower body, and he looks so surprised.

Woo! Here's some of that gravity-defiance/background indistinction that Chick is famous for. Now, is JWGD sliding on the car door, or onto grass, or what? It's less of a slide than a superglued-by-the-butt-to-the-car-door stance. Either way, I'd hate to drive a car/have a lawn that looks that much like human hair.

Is Grandma gonna DIE? He's so excited about this. This is one of those "and we get to see a guy with a finger missing! Coooool!" things that kids say. Just like explosions. You know. They shouldn't be driving on I-35 West... not until it gets fixed....

This... holy god... why..... is the cross-eye thing supposed to be cute, or what? I feel nothing for this grotesque monstrosity. I wonder how it eats; its tongue is always half-out.

CLEO! Help! I'm drowning in this tablecloth quicksand! Help! It's stylizing me! I look horrendous! Help, before I get sucked into the Chickverse Vortex!!! HEEEELLLPPP!!!!

Stay stylish with Bono Nascar shades.

Okay, is this starting to bother anyone else? Why does this kid keep saying these "oh, whoops, looks like I drove over my cell phone, time to get a new one" phrases? Like, he's seething with sarcasm when he says this. I don't blame him, I'd want to get rid of that lagoon beast too.

Slurp slurp, oh baby.... jeez, racy or what?
-toss- Eh, okay, here's your new home. If you could, trim down your beard please. It makes the other puppies uncomfortable.

And it seems that Bob Vila finally got his Ph.D. and is .... operating on fundie parents.

And what is that horrible liverspotted thing? It needs its reading glasses apparently. Chick is eagerly counting down the time he has before he can kill a puppy. That says it all right there.

NOOOOOOOOOO! Don't kill it! It's a super-duper-rare kind of aardvark!
What bothers me is how awful he is at basic math/reading. How many dogs are here, Herb? Why, there are clearly 3.

No! Stop! This is a base of the United States Armed Forces! Deadly force is authorized. I mean, I won't mind, but that definitely isn't a pound. Detainment chambers and guards on the wall? What kind of animals do they keep?

There! I've finally pinpointed where I've seen that horrid face before. Behold: Dramatic chipmunk. You know, I get the feeling that all the skin is going to crawl away from his eyes, until he's just a scalp with horrible, horrible eyes staring into forever. God that would rock so hard.

I have to kill this dog! Raaaar, I'm a bald guy with giant ears! You caught me in the nick of time, I was about to rape your dog, considering how Chick gave it an arrow instead of an asshole (why he didn't just leave it off is beyond me). You can pay at the office, and we accept all major forms of rap----payment, uh, yeah....

Oh, my god, please make this stop. This is scarring my psyche. He loves that dog a little too much. Jack Chick, I know you love to draw make-out scenes, but for the love of all things holy at least don't endorse children tongue-stabbing dogs. I'm pretty sure the Bible doesn't allow that.

And... the dog is still going. That's an awfully affectionate dog.
Crazy old Jack, always spinning the least god-related instances with some sort of "hey y'all jeeeesus did this" twist.

Who cares if you ran into deep trouble? Unless that's what caused a bomb to go off behind your head, why is this relevant?

This is so unnecessary. If Chick was more efficient, this tract would be four panels long. But that would entail clipping off some of the bullshit, which is probably less likely than the Rapture.
That there's some irony, good news (TM) with an asterisk.

Pray like this Timmy? Not any old Timmy, but this particular Timmy?
WOW! Cleo is still really, really horny! This is so awesome!!!
What a dark, creepy journey that was. Hopefully next time Chick can keep his paraphilia to himself. This had absolutely nothing to do with Jeeezus either, so I don't understand what just happened. Apparently you too can go to heaven--- if I see a receipt within 10 minutes.