I'm sorry if this seems redundant, but it seems that around 62% of Chick's comics are devoted to Halloween. It's fertile mockin' ground.


Isn't he too old to, um, have class parties? Man, that would suck. You're just chilling, watchin' TV, being 46, sippin' a beer.... the phone rings. It's your homeroom teacher. "Bert," she says with a sticky sweet drawl, "You have a stable job and three kids, can you pay for our class party to rent an entire fucking camp? I'm sure it's no bother." You roll your eyes and get the phonebook. I wish I'd never dropped out of third grade, you think to yourself, pull your jeans back up, and go get another beer.

"Anyone who's anybody will be there! Personally, I won't, because I'm not anybody. I don't think Agent Moby will come either. We'll be back at the prison." -four-toothed grin-
Because 13 people were murdered less than a year ago here, and for some reason it didn't make national news! Or even local news! You don't say. I'd think in gasps too if I rented a vast expanse of land for a suspiciously low price and thought nothing of it.

Oh, okay! He ran away. Cool. An obviously supernatural being ran off into the wilderness after killing a bunch of people and was never found. So what? Hey, pass me the TV Guide; when is Rock of Love on?

Oh no, Carrie won't. She'll be locked up in her Prayer Closet because, ironically, her mother's a fundie. ...Dude, Agent Moby isn't liking this. His sharpied-on eyebrows are... furrowed? Maybe?
"What a way to end a party! Then we're going dogfighting! It totally isn't illegal or anything."
It's the Great Pumpkin, Jack Chick! Aww, he has a little pet snake on a leash. Is rotting-pumpkin mold a health concern for him?
"@!!!**! I forgot my chain saw! I can't see a damn thing out of the pumpkin on my head!"

Carrie is an androgynous, elbowless character who stabs cats on card tables. My bad. I guess she won't be in her prayer closet after all.
C R A S H ! Bzzzzz. -Whrrrrrr- *GOD* YAAAAAA!
He even installed himself a break-off Dynamic Entry panel. Vincent Price himself is scared.

Here we are, at the Chick County Apathy Department.
Vinny the Rapist: There's another massacre going down at camp Basil Bub. Aww, we just finished cleaning the last one up. -sigh- Okay, I'll get the baking soda ready this time.
Chief Chokesondonut: Oh no, I'm not wearing my running shoes! Ah, well, we'll just let him run off like last time if I get a bunion or something. Hey, want to go to Whataburger afterwards?"

He must've run down that gorge. Dang, better luck next time. Okay, let's wrap this up, blah, blah, saints aren't responsible for murder victims, blah. Whataburger time!

That's nerve, Satan. You're peeking through windows, and call him a creep?
... wait, he didn't come anywhere. Satan came to him. Or, maybe the kid is thinking that. Or the Devil is a schizo. Anyway, looks like the kid has a disorder that makes him sweat profusely, frown, and emit light when someone says YAAAAA. Pavlov Kid, I guess.

Nope, Joey. What a stupid question! I'm punishing you for saying stupid things to me with a long-winded, unrelated story.

The window speaks of Satan.

Fun and scary indeed.

"It started in Jolly Old England, where those wacky Brits all carried Ankhs around and had large noses." I think I've seen this in a Monty Python skit before.

Hi ho! Hi ho! Gath'ring sacrifices we go!
They would leave a smirking pumpkin, which would protect the house from imaginary death fairies that don't exist. Boy, people sure were gullible in 794 BC!

Satanic human sacrifices are a slap in God's face, and they hurt a lot if you're the victim, too!

Jesus: Durr, look at me, I'm a Druid, durr. Hey guys, watch this!

But if you're a dummy, well, we don't want you! Go think for yourself! Humph!
"Laughing place"? Um, okay. Jack, stop watching Ghostbusters, get your stuff together, figure out a consistent way to draw Satan, then draw the tract.
"You violently disemboweled me at a class Halloween party with a chain saw to make me burn in fire forever! I.... I can't even find a phrase intense enough to express my anger! How about... You rat!"
"Got the picture" looks like a pun you haven't seen the other end of. A reference to his comics, maybe.

So, did the Chick County Apathy Department do anything about those yearly massacres? Did they enjoy their Whatachicken sandwiches? Will Bert get a refund on the campsite, and will he graduate fourth grade?
Who knows. If these little subplot tangents can't resolve themselves in a single comic, there's no way they'll be resolved elsewhere.
Ah Chick you loon, apparently you can't be bothered to use Google. If you did, then you'd realize that pumpkins didn't exist in the British Isles during that time period. Nor, for that matter, did the ankh.
A boy in Grade 3 was recently told by his school to stop handing out the Boo! and other Jack Chick tracts. And it was reported on the 6pm news. I've posted that video on my blog.
Then the boy's father wanted to defend Chick tracts, so we had a debate. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
Jack Chick Tracts: Are they an appropriate way for schoolchildren to share their faith?
He got even stupider. We're in it for the sweets. Duh.
The devil aswell same heinous or what ever that pricks name is doesn't matter .point being at the end of it alot of Bible thumpers aswell as so called innocent stable, skanked ranked teen Queen gapped whores pure stank is size of it with &here is the thing the worst starting line up Hitler hiero hita (Nippon ww2) & Hess, Ike man aswell as jim jones , Charles maggot Manson a host of ,em. No sh....t &. Saracens somewicked knights as well as samurai Templar knights of history but sadly alot of peoplethat gotten to low in hurt or bad bitterness may die in thier sins they'll die along side day by day very hurt to see that take place lotta you all are decent folks Jesus Christ had been sent in the times that sacrifices made for god were (Atonement's)just only temporary fix but when god had decided to set a new door open and honest I need to explain this cautious with as much care I can .... sacrifices don't count even to my ancestors who'd all along were part of. Jews for Jesus Christ and his mission was to become the ultimate sacrifice of all any time people think in terms of magic hat tricks or infidelisms but god allows so much if a guy lost his big important job gets in a damned car the company got him &got sorry drunk plowed a mom with kids in a. Mini van and the mom&kids were gone the dad blames god not that bastard driver that got his legs cut off he drank god never had put abig wine bottle in his lap guzzled it or a case of. Olympia beer .you hopefully got the idea God's not responsible for it that drunk bastard ,a girl gets attacked when she's 9years old , years pass she hates Boyz or men in her 20,s she's at a party a slutty bitch gives her aids at an all girl lesbian pride rave &less of 15months go by she's gone she's had a distorted idea of God the girls not saved who ever it would be that done this to a blessed child certainly will or have to answer to god if not human courtse of Justice just as well god he cannot run from God ever.....not at all .people want to condemn people a whole hell of it a lot more than god would .
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