
Finally, some sense adrift in this vast sea of watery, sludgy bullshit.
Wait--wait! She knows her soul needs to be saved? And she refuses his advances? Um, yeah. It's not that atheists don't believe in God, it's that they do believe in the Christian God but just hate him. I'm glad someone in this world understands atheism! Funny how it's someone who doesn't go outside, ever. God works in mysterious ways.

So what's the problem? I'm with this lady 100%. This outright proves that Fundieism is it's own religion, nothing like real Christianity. Everything she says up until the You're sick! makes perfect sense. It's pretty hard to see her as a villain right now, honestly.
It sounds like you're ashamed of the gospel? No, idiot, she just said that you cheapen the gospel. Why is this so hard for you to understand? She's a functioning member of society, so obviously not a part of your merry cult. Probably in the middle of running errands, too. See, your life can revolve around things other than standing outside all day handing out propaganda. That sounds like fun! "You mean we can buy groceries, play soccer, eat sandwiches, all that good stuff? Really? Oop, here comes a heathen. Hey, you're going to rot in eternal fire....blah..."

I'm glad that this encounter with Fundie Fred just meant so much to her that she woke up out of her sleep to complain about it, then fell asleep mid-sentence.
I pretend the panel goes all wavy, and that song that goes "memories... light the corners of my mind, fuzzy water-colored memories..." comes on.

Why can't UPS be more like this? Delivering packages from the very depths of Hell right to my door! Oh, I know why. Because it's hard to move in million-degree heat when you're wearing rain ponchos and those weird hunting hats with the wooly ears. Plus, the logistics of driving those big buses through all those tormented souls and Earth's crust are a nightmare.

"We love you, King Kong, we love you!" Said the souls, weeping and gnashing their teeth.
The messengers continued on their neat, gently-sloping stone staircase out of hell that for some reason the souls haven't considered using.

"The journey is almost over. In time they will reach their destination, and a new generation of Emperor penguins will replace them in the cycle of life."

Looks like she won't need to wait for a mansion in heaven; she's already got one.
"Boromir, how come you always deliver the letters? I mean, I can do it too if I had the chance. Let me do it next time." Faramir isn't going inside the house with him because he's on patrol for cops.

Pastors should know that calling people past 9pm is impolite. It's downright rude to call them at 3:13 in the morning to thank them for contributions to their church.
EEEK! There's an imposing moonlit figure about to break into my house! Help me Jesus!

Why is everyone so rude to her? First the nocturnal pastor, then Kyle just up and barges in through her window and starts yelling at her. I'll call it... A Fundie Christmas Carol.

She should stop using the evil tranquilizer not because she has nightmares, but because
a) she sporadically woke up to complain about Chick Tract fundies,
b) it dulls her senses so much that she can't tell when her windows break and messengers from Hell come into her house, and
c) she woke up pregnant and with her hair in rollers with an 11th Commandment on her bed.

'Atta boy, blame everyone who didn't lead you to Christianity, the majority religion wherever you live.
Ah, fundie love.

"Hey, Boromir, let's go home and play Quarters."

I imagine him sitting at a turntable, rapping:
"Rob the jewelry store, tell em make me a grill
Y-y-you-you didn't innerduce me to Je-je-jesus wickiwaw wickiwahwaw REMIX DeeJAY Hig-gu-gu-gins!"
"It seemed so real! I'm wet and shaky. Wait, where is my TV?"

Mildred, assuming you are, as you say, Christian, in all likelihood Frances is already some denomination of some Abrahamic religion. Something tells me she's not Shinto. No need to tell her random facts about Jesus.

Why is the accompanying panel to 3:16 always meaningless?

People don't "die instantly" in car accidents, they "die on impact". "Frances was okay, but a few minutes after the crash she realized what happened and up and died."
And no, she wasn't 'afraid' to tell her, it either slipped her mind or Frances was Christian anyway.

What's the point of 'sharing the gospel' with someone who already adheres to that religion? That's stupid. That's like saying, 'you have to water these flowers every day,' but some one else watered them today, and you have to water them anyway.
What was the point of this tract? To make existing Christians suffer, even the imaginary ones. Pfft.
Chick should stop wasting panel real estate to advertise and just buy a billboard.
Hehehe...Chick tracts are so silly.
The point of this tract, and other "Christian guilt trip" ones like it, is to guilt-trip fundies into witnessing to anyone and everyone they know or even meet. Because if there is any person in your family, social circle, workplace or school, or that you even talk to, if they die unsaved it's ALL YOUR FAULT.
There's a fundie movie for teens that is very similar to this -- a bunch of teenage friends die in a car crash or something, and only one of them was "saved" -- they go to the sorting desk or whatever, and all the kids but the one get sent to hell. So they rag on the saved kid because he never "witnessed the Gospel" to them or whatever.
That so totally makes sense that they'd have Hallmark cards in hell.
A lot of the art on this tract was ripped off from Gustave Dore's illustrations for Dante's Inferno.
Guess Chick isn't so down on Catholics after all!
I find it kind of hard to believe that it would be "most unusual" for a person in Hell to ask for the messengers to take a letter to someone they knew who was still alive. If most of the people in these tracts wind up there through mistakes rather than being genuine jerks, why wouldn't they try to contact their loved ones to warn them before it's too late?
Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who noticed the massive breast that Chick drew onto the woman in Hell? The entire panel resembled some bizarre sexual fantasy; naked, nubile people writhing in flame... yuck!!
Sincerely Yours,
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